Download bpftp server
Download bpftp server

download bpftp server

Enable 'Max Number of Users' set it at a number other than zero. Click on 'Miscellaneous' in the left column.Enter a password for your new FTP account.Put a check in the following ones: Read, Write, Append, Make, List, and +Subdirs. In the right column you will see a bunch of checkboxes. Browse until you find the directory (folder) you want to share.In the 'Access rights' box right click: choose ‘Add’.Right click in the empty 'User Accounts' area on the right: choose 'Add'.You can set this at whatever you want to but that is pretty much a standard Click 'OK' Enable 'anti-hammer' and 'do not reply to people hammering' Set it for the following: Block IP 120 min if 5 connections in 60 sec.At the bottom again look at the 'hammering area'.VERY IMPORTANT! If somebody decides to 'Hammer' (attempt to login numerous times VERY quickly) your server/computer may CRASH if you don't enable this. Also put a check in the 'Blocked Banned IP (instead of notifying client).

download bpftp server

This will prevent one person from blocking your FTP to others.

download bpftp server

Put a check in the box “Refuse Multiple Connections from the same IP”.

  • Click on the 'options' tab of that same panel (on the side).
  • This is the limit as to how many users can be on your sever at any time. Under Connection set the “Max number of users" to any number.
  • Enter your server name into the 'Server Name' box.
  • Click on Setup > Main > General from the pull-down menu.
  • However, It should work fine on most following versions as well. This is for the BulletProof FTP Server 2.10. I thought that perhaps this tutorial might be pretty helpful for those interested in knowing how to configure their Bulletproof FTP Server that don't already know how. I am not sure where I found this tutorial, It’s been a while…It might even have been here.So if it is one of yours, my hat goes off to you once again.

    Download bpftp server